Urban Runway

I’ve a bit uninspired partly due to this tragically bland weather we call winter. (Insert eye roll) Beyond being too cold to garner the gusto to get out, I’m just ready to wear sandals and summer maxi dresses. I miss curly hair and lighter hair color… I could go on and on. In order to grasp a teeny bit of spring, I grabbed a bright, bold colorful scarf from Target. 

I wore the scarf in a Rosie the Riveter kind of way. I added hoops to emphasize the “casualness” of the look. My outfit is pretty casual anyway but I added extra “leather” to create a bit of an edge so the look isn’t basic. Nothing wrong with jeans and a tee but that wasn’t the goal here. Since the look is so casual and edgy, I decided against a handbag of any sort. 

I’m finding inspiration in the cityscapes and surroundings in the city so my muse was a gritty but “tattooed” alley. I felt this alley was perfect as my runway. It had been years since I’ve seen actual alley cat but I saw one this alley. A true sign of vitality in the area. Anyhoo, the walls of this alley lended the perfect scene around my runway. Check out my catwalk…

Later Cupcakes…

(Scarf: Target)